
Ohne unsere Helfer/innen würden wir den Nordschwarzwald Triathlon nicht durchführen können. Auch 2024 können wir jede Hilfe gebrauchen. Uns würde es sehr freuen Dich begrüßen zu dürfen.

Hier kannst Du Dich als Volunteer für den Nordschwarzwald Triathlon registrieren.

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Want to be up close and personal at the start? As a helper at the swim, you send the athletes on their way and ensure a smooth and orderly start.

Track marshals

Be there up close when the last reserves of strength are mobilized and the athletes get closer and closer to the finish line. You make sure that everyone finds the right path and cheer them on loudly.

Refreshment point

To give the athletes the energy boost they need, you provide them with drinks, snacks and more.

Transition zone

To ensure that no one gets lost in the hustle and bustle of the transition area, that everyone finds their place and that no accidents occur, you ensure the necessary order and instruct the athletes at check-in.

Post finish area

To honor the exhausted athletes, you will hand out the medals and help with the distribution of drinks and snacks.

Starting documents/ Infopoint

You will be handing out starter packs and answering questions at the start document hand-out. You can expect nice conversations with the participating athletes, curious eyes and lots of new faces. Are you familiar with the area and would like to help the athletes and spectators with any questions? Then the Infopoint is just right for you!


We are also dependent on your help in setting up and dismantling the finish arch, the bike racks etc. to create the right conditions for the event.

Bag transportation

You want to enable the athletes to have an ideal competition and ensure that all items are back with the athlete in the next transition zone or at the finish. Then support us with bag transportation.